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Gridlocked avec sous-titres 4K


Roads around Trinity Way and Kelvin Way near the Hawthorns were all reportedly gridlocked from around 6pm, while Junction 1 of the M5 also experienced high volumes of traffic from around 4.

But, the overcoming of gridlock on the final day of the last Congress suggests that perhaps this last Congress might not have been as completely gridlocked as many pundits suggested.

Charter Avenue is gridlocked most mornings and evenings,traffic coming off the A46 to access Warwick University is the same.

The streets will become gridlocked and the air pollution will choke everyone.

In this era of the TEA party, Occupy Wall Street, massive budget deficits and trillions of dollars in debt, our federal government finds itself gridlocked - seemingly incapable of making any progress in solving the most pressing national problems.

Roads were gridlocked yesterday as further snow blizzards arrived.

Summary: The economy is 'losing millions of pounds' because of a failure to deal with the problem of frozen and gridlocked roads, says the AA.

The roads are already gridlocked to their full limits; imagine taking an additional lane away.

Steve Evans, of West Midlands Ambulance Service, said: 'There have been some difficulties in getting to calls because of the gridlocked traffic, but our crews have been able to keep on moving albeit very slowly.

He said: ``Culverhouse Cross was gridlocked six times over Christmas and New Year.

Maybe there's hope for Weston and other gridlocked towns.