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2. Affliction, adversity, misfortune, trial refer to an event or circumstance that is hard to bear. A misfortune is any adverse or unfavorable occurrence: He had the misfortune to break his leg. Affliction suggests not only a serious misfortune but the emotional effect of this: Blindness is an affliction. Adversity suggests a calamity or distress: Job remained patient despite all his adversities. Trial emphasizes the testing of one's character in undergoing misfortunes, trouble, etc. His son's conduct was a great trial to him. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2017.
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Examples from the Web for affliction Expand

I thought, if he had an affliction over half his face, maybe he was missing part of his mouth.

But the majority of the time is spent dissembling the system that has enabled the addict to finance and feed their affliction.

Typically, Borges embraced his affliction “as a gift,†which encouraged recollection.

It was simply written: a man with an affliction on half his face who wears a tin mask to cover it.

See Jacob Bernstein's "10 Ways to Win an Oscar" for an expanded list of how affliction can lead to a lock on Oscar gold.

He looked, Rainey thought, like a blind Berserker, restrained only by his affliction.

She could not bear to part with Flora, who had been both nurse and comforter to her in her affliction.

We are companions in affliction since my law case will not be tried.

To add to the affliction of La Salle, the Belle, the only vessel remaining to him, was wrecked and utterly lost.

In the days of ease thereafter, in Valencia when we dwell, The tale of our affliction. we shall have strength to tell.

British Dictionary definitions for affliction Expand